National Dog Day!

Wait, what?  Isn’t every day National Dog Day?  Spoiler alert – the answer is always YES if you ask any pup owner.  However, August 26th is the official National Dog Day. While this special day is intended to encourage dog ownership of all breeds, it also gives pet parents another official reason (or excuse) to shower their dogs with extra love, treats, and appreciation.  If you are considering rescuing or adopting a new pup, there are so many different breeds to choose from and all of them deserve a loving home. Pawfit has some ideas below on how you can celebrate the day with your pup or in support of helping another:

Adopt a pet of your own

If you have been thinking of adopting a pet then maybe now is the time to take action.   According to the ASPCA, approximately 6.1 million companion animals enter US animal shelters annually.   All dogs deserve to be loved in a safe and happy home.  Paired with the right family or person, pets can provide a healthy and happy lifestyle for a win-win for all. 

Assist in the cause

The power of social media can do amazing things.  Even if you are not looking to adopt a pet of your own, spreading the word about an animal in need or keeping the message of pet adoption fresh in people’s minds can make a difference in another pup’s life.  Take the time to share a “pet of the week” from your local adoption agency or just promote the benefits of bringing home a new “best friend.”

Appreciate today and every day

The end of August also marks the winding down of the dog days of summer, so why not celebrate your own pup with a cool treat? Here are a few recipes to inspire you!  For a peanut butter/banana flavor combo, try  For a treat that still has dog-favorite peanut butter, but with yummy yogurts and berries try this one:

It takes a village to care for all the pets in the world. So, whether you adopt yourself, help spread the word, or just be the best pawrent for the day by spoiling the one you have, any of these contributions make a difference in the everyday lives of pets everywhere. 

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