Choosing the Dog Breed Best for YOU!

Happy pet parents everywhere would agree that having a dog as part of your family can bring joy, love, laughter, and much more!  However, choosing a dog should not be an impulse decision.  If you are thinking about bringing a dog into your home, there are so many things that should be considered. Unlike shopping for clothes, a new piece of furniture for your home, or a television, you are actually picking out a member of your family who will spend the rest of their four-legged life with you. 

Therefore, the type of lifestyle your family leads is important to consider when choosing a pet and many different aspects of that process that come into play.  At Pawfit we suggest putting some time into thinking about what would work for both your family and your future pet.   Organizations like the American Kennel Club even have tools you can try such as this one, but there are others out there to explore as well. Here are some topline things to keep in mind as you venture on your path towards pet ownership.  


Just like humans, pets have all different types of personalities.  Some pets crave constant attention, while others need their space and may not like cuddling and touching as much.  Some are protective while others may welcome a burglar into the home if bribed with the proper treat (bacon anyone?)

Size/energy level

Are you a high-energy, love-to-hike, marathon-running type of person, or someone who prefers the sidelines of excessive physical activity?  Part of the responsibility of owning a pet includes giving them the proper exercise they need, but you would want to ensure you choose a pawsome partner who matches the same “playing” level you can accommodate.


Training isn’t just a fun way to get a dog to “sit”, or “give a paw” or to teach them that important skill of going potty outside the home, but training is actually very important to help keep pets safe. Teaching a dog to “come” at critical times can be very important as well as “stay” which can keep a pet out of harm’s way.  All breeds are different in their response level to training, so if you have limited time, patience, or skill in this area, make sure to choose a dog that can be easily trained.  If you are up for a challenge or perhaps want to enter competitions with your pup, then that can potentially open up many more choices for you. 

All these considerations are important for both the owner and the pet and it should be looked at from both sides for the full pet ownership picture.  However, one thing all dogs do have in common is the need to be safe and found easily if they are lost, so make sure to keep good track of your new best friend with a real time, GPS dog tracker.  So, let the adventure begin as you set out to find the furry friend that is perfect for you! 

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