Festive food for your pets

Christmas is the best time of the year! Everyone is happy, excited and full to the brim with fantastic food! Plus, we get to spend time with family and friends and our favourite four-legged friends. But don’t get too caught up in the Christmas spirit, because Christmas food can be hazardous to your pets…

Festive food NOT FOR PETS

Christmas dinner is delicious and as the rules of Christmas dictate, you feed the people closest to you delicious food on the happiest day of the year. And we understand that you want to feed those furry family members your Christmas dinner too… but don’t.

Festive food is delicious to us and it’s probably pretty delicious to our pets too, but it’s highly toxic and dangerous. Take a look at the list below to ensure you’re not giving treats that can make your pet unwell:

  • Chocolate
  • Mince pies
  • Christmas pudding
  • Onion gravy
  • Alcohol
  • Bones from carcasses are a dangerous choking hazard.

What Christmas food CAN your pets eat?

Skinless and boneless white meat such as turkey is okay for dogs and cats, but be careful that it’s not covered in fat, salt or gravy.  It’s best to keep to your pets eating “clean” food.

The RSPCA have got a brilliant YouTube video with homemade Christmas treats you can make to keep your pet included in the festivities:

Christmas Treats for your four-legged furry friends
Christmas Treats for your Feline friends

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