How Pawfit helped one lost kitty get home safely

It’s no secret that cats are more independent than dogs. On average, cats wander between 40-200m a day exploring their territory, before coming home for a snooze and to be fed. Although not every cat is a homebody, with a quarter of cat pawrents saying it’s normal for their pet to regularly spend nights away from home.

But when they’re out and about, how can owners be sure where their furry friends are going and more importantly that they’re safe?

Sadly, it’s estimated that 630 cats are hit by cars every day in the UK alone and thousands more go missing every year that never return home.

That’s why a lot of people are buying Pawfit tracking devices for their independent cats so that they can keep an eye on them and have peace of mind whilst they’re out and about.  

A cat wearing a pet tracking device

“I love the Pawfit 2 GPS tracker, it’s awesome! It not only tells me where my cat Merryl is but it keeps track of her steps, notifies me if she goes too far, has an alarm and a flashlight and it holds up to 5 custom voice recordings I can play to her if she’s out of sight”

Tess Oakley, Spain

Today we’re sharing the story of Pawfit Pal Whisker the cat and how her Pawfit tracker helped her hoomans Paula and Ian bring her home safely.

Like so many kitties, Whiskers loves exploring her territory, but she is 100% a homebody, returning home at night to be fed and for lots of cuddles on the sofa.

But then one night, she didn’t return.

Whisker and her hoomans live in a village surrounded by dense woodlands and busy roads, meaning there are lots of places she could get lost or hurt.

Thankfully though, Whisker was wearing her Pawfit device and the hoomans could see her live location on the Pawfit app using the tracking feature.  She wasn’t far away and as it was a warm summer night, they decided to go to bed and let Whisker stay out, assuming she would let herself back in when she was ready via the cat flap.

Taby cat

The next morning though, Whisker was still not home.

Concerned, the humans again checked Whisker’s location on the Pawfit app and were surprised to see she was in the same location as last night.

Deciding to bring her home, the humans arrived at Whisker’s map location but unable to spot her amongst the bushes and cars, used Pawfit’s alarm feature to try and locate her exact location by sound.

Within seconds, they were able to find Whisker under a bush and after coaxing her out from her hiding spot with her favourite treats, they were shocked to see that she was limping on one of her back legs.

A visit to the vet thankfully confirmed Whisker wasn’t seriously injured but her hoomans couldn’t help imagining what might have happened if they hadn’t been able to locate her in time.

“We’re just so relieved she was wearing her Pawfit tracker and that we were able to find her so quickly!”

Paula, Whisker’s hooman

To keep your independent cat safe whilst they are out exploring their territory, shop the Pawfit 2 tracker today.

Have your own Pawfit story you’d like to share? Email us at

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