Toxic houseplants for pets and 10 safe alternatives

Over the last few years, having an indoor garden has become the latest trend but some house plants can be toxic if consumed by our pets!

To help keep your cats and dogs safe, we’ve put together a list of plants that are toxic and included some pet safe plants to.

Toxic plants for cats and dogs


Members of the Lilium spp. family are considered to be highly toxic to cats. Even ingestions of very small amounts of the plant can cause severe kidney damage.


A.K.A. the Swiss Cheese Plant, the leaves of this plant contain toxins that can cause stinging sensations around the mouth and vomiting and difficulty swallowing for both cats and dogs.

Sago Palm

All parts of the leafy Cycas Revoluta are poisonous, but the seeds or “nuts” contain the largest amount of toxin. The ingestion of just one or two seeds can result in very serious effects, which include vomiting, diarrhoea, depression, seizures, and liver failure.

Aloe Vera

Whilst Aloe Vera is hailed by us humans for its skin healing properties, it has the opposite effect for our pet dogs. Whilst the gel substance within the leaves isn’t toxic if ingested, other parts of the plant can harm a dog’s digestive system.

Peace Lily (aka Mauna Loa Peace Lily)

Peace Lilies contain calcium oxalate crystals that if ingested can cause irritation inside and around the mouth and lips, excessive drooling, vomiting and difficulty in swallowing.


A.K.A the Devil’s Ivy, if chewed or ingested, this popular, easy to care for house plant can cause significant irritation and swelling of the oral tissues and other parts of the gastrointestinal tract although thankfully is unlikely to kill your pet if accidently ingested. If you want to keep this plant in your home, hang it up high so it’s safely out of reach.


The Schefflera plant is a very popular indoor plant due to it’s air purifying qualities however it contains calcium oxalate crystals that can cause oral irritation, excessive drooling, vomiting, difficulty in swallowing and intense burning and irritation of the mouth, lips, and tongue in pets who eat it

Strelitzia (Bird of Paradise)

This beautiful plant is highly toxic to dogs because it contains Hydrogen Cyanide. Side effects if ingested include: mild nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, drowsiness, difficulty in breathing and even death.


A.K.A. the Dragon Plant, all parts of this plant are toxic to dogs with side effects including vomiting (sometimes with blood), depression, lack of appetite and drooling.


Both fresh and dried Eucalyptus is toxic for cats and dogs. In fact even just the smell of it can have serious effects. Ingestion of the leaves can lead to salivation, lethargy, diarrhoea weakness and depression and in cats, large quantities can result in seizures.

10 safe house plants for cats and dogs

The following indoor plants are all pet safe and will look great throughout your home.

  1. Spider plant
  2. Venus Fly Trap
  3. Areca Palm
  4. Boston Fern
  5. Calathea
  6. Orchids
  7. Chinese Money Plant
  8. Rattlesnake Plant
  9. Parlor Palm
  10. African Violets

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