Back to School: Pup Training Now in Session

As the humans go back to school this fall, we can’t think of a better time to refresh your pup’s training and teach them some new tricks.  Pet training can help keep your pet safe as you teach them to respond to you in emergency situations and to help keep them out of harmful situations when they obey your commands. To keep it fun and engaging for them, be sure to break up the training into a fun “back to school” pet curriculum that any dog would enjoy.  

Tutoring, Training, and Other Lessons

Have you been meaning to take the next level pet training course with your pup but keep putting it off? Do you have a new puppy that needs to learn all the basics or an older pup who needs some bad habits erased?  Wherever you are in your pet training, anytime is a good time to create a routine or follow up wherever you left off on your pet training. 

If you have a Pawfit 3s pet location and activity tracker, the unique Pawfit Voice tool can be used for multiple purposes and assist with training.  You can program and record up to six commands and play them back with the touch of a button, even when your dog is out of earshot to communicate with them effectively.  Click here for more information and tips on how to use the Pawfit Unique Voice tool.  


If it was up to our pups it would be recess all day, every day, so be sure to include plenty of breaks in your training sessions to avoid your dog getting bored or frustrated, so they can achieve top marks.  This can mean free time to sniff around the yard, relaxing walks or strolls, a trip to the dog park to socialize with other pup students, or even a field trip!

Let them get their playtime in, exert their energy while “out of the classroom” and they’ll be ready to focus when it’s time to learn!


Once lessons are complete, there is just one more thing to remember while school is in session.  For all their hard work, you can’t forget the rewards!  These can come in their favorite form of treats, a quick play with a toy or simply a lot of praise! 

Don’t forget that rewarding throughout the lessons can go a long way to assist in the learning process as well. Marking and rewarding each time your pup gets it right will help them understand exactly what you’re trying to teach them and ensure they remember it once class is over. With lots of rewards, you’ll have a graduate pup in no time!

Pawrents and pups of all ages can all benefit by learning new ways to work together. 

Even for our senior fur babies, it’s never too late to teach an old dog new tricks! For a little extra credit, head on over to the Pawfit Facebook or Instagram pages to share a photo, video, or story about your favorite training tips.   

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