It’s no wonder most pups get excited when they hear Halloween is right around the corner. It’s the time of year when they hear their favorite words repeatedly: Trick and treat! With the hauntingly fun season upon us, it’s time to think of how we will spend it with our favorite pup-kins to be sure they have a fun, but safe holiday as well. Whether they are all in on the Halloween festivities or sc’hairdy pups that want nothing to do with it, these guidelines are sure to keep your pup from going to the bark side this Halloween…

Outdoor Safety
While Halloween is filled with candy, treats, and lots of fun, it is also a time for tricks. It’s important to remember that pups can get spooked easily with all the new sights and sounds they are experiencing. Some costumes and their accessories can startle your pup if they make noises or flashlights out in the dark. If your dog is easily startled, they may even run off, so by keeping a pet GPS tracker on them, parents can be prepared for unexpected circumstances. If your pup “ghosts you”, then you’ll have a way to quickly track them down and never lose sight of them. Additionally, some pet trackers like the Pawfit 3s also have light and sound features which are huge benefits for pet care in the dark.
Indoor Safety
It seems like pet-proofing a home never ends for some pawrents, but with special holidays like Halloween, you need to be extra diligent. Rascal pups may dream the fake cobwebs are chicken-flavored cotton candy and gobble them in seconds flat, or they may feel the need to attack the scary witches, ghosts, and goblin decorations. If you don’t want your house to look like a horror movie scene, get ahead of the chaos from some of the more mischievous pets and make sure decorations are not placed pup-level, or made out of harmful materials. Pup parents of skittish pets may also need to plan accordingly if your home is receiving trick-or-treaters wearing fur-ocious costumes. Keeping pups behind the door, distracting them with a bone in another room, or arranging for pet care that evening are all good ideas to keep from upsetting them. Lastly, most candies are extremely harmful for pets so be sure to keep the Halloween stash safely away somewhere where your pet cannot get into it.

Including them in the fun
Humans love to dress their pets up for Halloween. So, while we want to keep them styling, we also want to keep them comfortable. Some pets only tolerate a Halloween costume, while others can work any outfit their humans put on them like they are on the Howl-o-ween runway. However, some pets do not like it at all, so make sure to do what is best for your furry pal this Halloween.
No one wants a howliday season that will haunt them forever. There are lots of ways to get your furry friends involved on Halloween, but taking the time to think about their safety and comfort level will make your day a little less scary. If you suspect your pet may have ingested some treats that were not intended for pups, never hesitate to call your local veterinarian and get them the care they need. Have a Halloween tip to share with the rest of the pack? Head on over to the Pawfit Facebook or Instagram page and let us know how you are celebrating Howl-o-ween this year.