National Lost Pet Prevention Month

July is National Lost Pet Prevention month, dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of keeping our pets safe and preventing them from becoming lost. As pet owners, we cherish the unconditional love and joy our furry friends bring into our lives, and their safety is our utmost priority.

Millions upon millions of pets go missing each year and the heartache of losing a beloved pet can be overwhelming. Fortunately, there are steps we can take to ensure our pets remain safe and secure. Check out some shocking statistics and our top tips to keep your pet safe below.


  • 1 in 3 pets will become lost in their lifetime.
  • 15% of cat owners lose their pet in a 5-year period.
  • Over 10 million pets go missing every year.
  • 14% of dog owners lose their pet in a 5-year period.

Our top tips to prevent your pet becoming lost

Microchip your pet

Ensure your pet is microchipped. This tiny device, implanted under your pet’s skin, transmits a unique number when scanned at a shelter or veterinary centre. As long as your contact information is kept up to date, pet recovery specialists can use a lost pet’s microchip to reunite you and your pet. Microchipped pets are twice more likely to be returned than those who aren’t microchipped.

Use a GPS pet tracker

Investing in a GPS pet tracker is an essential to keep your pet safe and ensure that they don’t get lost. GPS trackers like Pawfit, allow you to see where your pet is at all times. Pawfit trackers have amazing safety features such as Safety Zones and Personalised Voice commands!

Use a leash

A leash keeps your pet close and under control, preventing them from chasing after distractions or slipping away in unfamiliar surroundings. By always using a leash, you contribute to the safety of your pet and help ensure they remain securely by your side.

Secure your yard/garden

Pet proof your home to prevent your pets escaping. This can include checking for gaps in fences, securing windows and ensuring doors are always closed properly. If your pet were to escape your home, with a Pawfit GPS pet tracker you can set a Safety Zone around your home meaning you will be notified as soon as they leave the set zone.

Be cautious in new environments

When travelling or moving, make sure to keep a close eye on your pet. Pets can become disorientated and try to escape when they’re in unfamiliar environments.

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