Protecting the Pups We Love this Valentine’s Day

In the annual tradition of Valentine’s Day, we all make a little extra (or grand) effort to show those in our lives how much we love and care about them.  Our pets play a big part in this love story as they provide us with unconditional love every day. So, this February 14th, let’s take a moment to make sure our pups – the ones who steal our hearts- are safe, protected, and cared for.

Perimeter check

If you have a fenced-in yard for your dog, when was the last time you checked for slots in the fence or potential escape holes dug around the border?  While this is something we tend to react to when a situation arises, being proactive can help prevent your pup from getting out (or even something unwanted getting in).  If you don’t have fencing, a pet location and activity tracker like the Pawfit 3s can help you set up invisible fences and alert you with an instant notification if your dog should get out.

Happy and Healthy Hearts

With hearts full of extra love on this day, let’s also keep them healthy by making sure your pup is meeting their daily exercise goals.  Take them for an extra-long walk or engage in extended play time to keep them fit and let them know they are loved.  A pup scavenger hunt around the house with heart-shaped homemade treats can also keep them active and moving around while inside.

Prioritize their Safety

We’d be lost without our dogs, so make sure we know where they are all at all times and that the environment they are in is safe for them.  A Pawfit tracker can help find your pet fast if they get lost, or stolen or even plan a masterful escape while you are indulging in Valentine’s chocolate. 

February 14th is also Pet Theft Awareness Day, so make sure you are doing everything you can to protect your pup.  Check out this great article from the American Kennel Club for some recommendations on preventing pet theft.   So spread some Pawfit Pal love with us this season by sharing a photo or video on the Pawfit US Facebook or Instagram page of your pet and tell us what you love about your special fur babies. 

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