The temperatures are dropping which means we’re in for a frosty winter. It’s very important to take extra precautions to keep your pet safe during the winter months. Take a read of our top tips to help you keep your pets safe, warm, and happy through this season!

1. Keep your pet sheltered
Try to keep your pets inside as much as possible, never leave your pets outdoors unattended in the winter months. When you’re outside with your pets make sure it’s brief, although their fur can help shield them from the weather, they’re still susceptible to the cold.
2. Use a GPS pet tracker
It’s a good idea to invest in a GPS pet tracker to ensure your winter walks are extra safe. Its harder to locate your pet in dark and snowy weather so having a GPS pet tracker will keep your pet safer and give you extra peace of mind, allowing you to see the exact location your pet is at. The Pawfit 3 GPS pet tracker features temperature alerts, notifying you instantly when the temperature drops too low to further ensure your pet’s safety.
3. Protect their paws
Make sure to check and dry your pets’ paws thoroughly after walks. Snow can compact between their toes, turning into ice balls which are very painful. Also, wipe their legs and stomach as grit, soil, and damp from the outside can irritate their skin.
4. Be ware of antifreeze
Anti-freeze is extremely toxic to pets and can cause death. Antifreeze contains ethylene glycol which if swallowed, even just a small amount, can cause extreme damage to your dogs’ kidneys. Take extra precautions to prevent your pet from encountering antifreeze. If you think your pet has come into contact with antifreeze, contact your vet immediately.
5. Stay away from frozen ponds
When out on winter walks, keep your pets away from stretches of frozen water as it’s impossible to tell how secure and deep the surface is. Pets might wander onto the ice, and if it breaks, they could fall through, leading to hypothermia or drowning. Always keep them on a leash near water to prevent accidents and avoid risky areas altogether.
6. Keep your pet warm and dry
It’s important during the winter months to keep your pet warm and dry, as exposure to cold and wet conditions can lead to hypothermia, frostbite, or other health issues. Ensure your pet has access to a warm, sheltered space indoors, especially during extreme weather. If you take your pet outside, consider using pet-safe jackets or sweaters for extra insulation, especially for smaller or short-haired breeds.